Monthly Archives: February 2017

Laugh Your Way through Your Dental Procedure | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman getting her teeth cleaned by dentist.Dental anxiety is a condition that affects both adults and children alike. While some have ways to cope, there are those that have a hard time entertaining the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair long enough to finish even a simple checkup. In these cases, the dentist may suggest a form of medicine to help you feel more relaxed, but still widely conscious – nitrous oxide.

What is nitrous oxide? Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used to help patients who are mildly or moderately anxious or nervous, easing their fear of the dentist. Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen, and breathed in through their nose via a mask. Slowly, it will take effect and will eventually make the feel comfortable, even giddy in some cases.

The dentist will often adjust the levels of the gas administered, depending on the type of treatment involved. Also, dentists have received the necessary training and education to know how to prevent their patients from being overdosed.

The main benefit of nitrous oxide is that it is inhaled through a mask, which makes the ideal option for patients who are afraid of needles. Also, since it is in gas form, it tends to take effect quickly. Nitrous oxide can also be used by just about anyone, from kids, to adults, to even people who have pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. If you’re concerned about whether or not nitrous oxide sedation is safe for you, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or a local dentist.

If you would like more information about dental anxiety, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

A Toothbrush Isn’t a One-Time Purchase | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman is brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush.It’s no mystery that we should be brushing our teeth twice a day in order to maintain our oral health, but it’s important to remember that your toothbrush is a tool and you need a great tool to do the job correctly. We use it to remove food debris and bacteria from our teeth, and like many tools, it requires proper care in order be effective.

To minimize bacteria, the toothbrush must be kept clean. It should be washed thoroughly with tap water after each use to remove food particles and leftover toothpaste. When stored, keeping it upright will allow excess water to drain from the bristles, less likely to grow bacteria. If you need to store it in a closed container (for example, when traveling), try to dry it using a clean towel beforehand.

From time to time, sanitize your toothbrush with antibacterial mouthwash. You can even toss it in the dishwasher to kill bacteria. There are also professional sterilizers that utilize ultraviolet light to sanitize toothbrushes available on the market.

The average toothbrush should last 3-4 months, but if it shows signs of wear it needs to be replaced. Bristles that are frayed, loose, or falling out, or any cracking plastic are all replacement signs. Even if the toothbrush is in good condition, you should consider replacing your toothbrush after you’ve been ill. Continuing to use a toothbrush after you’ve been sick will continue introducing bacteria into your system, making you more susceptible to further illness and dental issues.

If you would like more information about toothbrushes, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.