Tag Archives: General Dentistry

Preventing Tooth Decay | BOCA RATON DENTIST

Smiling woman with perfect teethBrushing and flossing help prevent tooth decay by removing bacteria and food particles from the teeth before they can damage teeth. The combination of bacteria and food particles is important – the bacteria breaks down food, creating acids that can damage tooth enamel. Not all food is created equally – some can be more or less likely to be consumed by bacteria, and other types of food may be less likely to remain in the mouth once it’s eaten.

Patients wishing to protect their teeth can choose food that helps limit the risk to their teeth; here are some foods that are healthy for teeth:

  • Cheese and milk are high in calcium, helping build stronger teeth, and are low in sugars and acid, making them less likely to contribute to tooth decay. Some studies have shown that cheese, in particular, can help lower mouth acidity further, even for a period of time after eating.
  • Tea – especially green and black tea – contains compounds that slow the growth of bacteria. Patients who drink or rinse their mouth with tea have lower concentrations of bacteria in their mouth, decreasing both tooth decay and bad breath.
  • Sugarless gum that contains Xylitol can help teeth in two ways. First, it stimulates production of saliva to rinse acids and sugars away, and the act of chewing can help dislodge other food particles stuck between teeth. Second, Xylitol has been shown to decrease bacteria within the mouth, helping fight tooth decay.
  • Vegetables such as celery and carrots are crunchy, require chewing, and stimulate production of saliva to help remove other foods from the mouth. Celery also contains high amounts of water, which can help rinse the mouth.

While simply eating tooth-healthy foods is unlikely to prevent tooth decay without proper brushing and flossing, combining healthy foods with a good oral hygiene regimen can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.

For more information on tooth decay contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Obtaining A Whiter Smile! | Boca Raton Dentist

multiple smilesMany patients desire a perfect smile, and that typically involves straight, white teeth. Dr. Rosenbusch offers solutions to obtain your desired smile! This blog entry will focus on the whitening aspect of your smile.

Yellow, stained teeth are unattractive and can add years to your appearance. So if you brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly then why are your teeth still discolored? This happens because the outer layers of your teeth get stained over the years by consumption of beverages with caffeine, soda, wine and smoking.

Dentists can help not only correct alignment and crowding with orthodontics (braces) and cosmetic dentistry techniques such as veneers and bonding, but can also provide professional whitening.

All teeth whitening procedures involve a mild abrasive to remove surface stains, and/or some type of whitening agent such as hydrogen peroxide. Together, the mild abrasive can help remove stains such as coffee or wine, and the whitening agent can help lighten the shade of the rest of the tooth.

There are a number of over the counter options:

– Whitening rinses use hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth, and it may take 8-12 weeks to see any results.

– Whitening toothpastes use both a mild abrasive and a peroxide-like whitening agent, and can lighten one shade in 4-12 weeks, depending on the brand.

– Over the counter whitening gels and strips use a stronger dose of peroxide, and are typically worn for less than an hour per day. Results can be seen within a few days, and when used properly, can lighten a few shades over the course of a typical two week treatment.

– Tray based tooth whitening – typically provided by a dentist for home use – use stronger agents than over the counter whitening gels, and provide better results in similar time periods.

The level of effectiveness, of over the counter products will depend on how regularly they are used, and how stained the patient’s teeth are to start.

In-office whitening tends to be far more effective – the dentist can apply the bleaching agent in very strong doses, and use laser/light/heat for increased effectiveness. In as little as 30 minutes, in office treatments can provide significant whitening, though your dentist can provide multiple procedures for even better results.

If you’re interested in whitening your teeth, ask your dentist about services they provide, or over the counter recommendations they may have. Depending on how many shades of lightening you expect, your dentist may recommend certain products or procedures over others, and may recommend professional cleaning or other permanent work before whitening to ensure it’s as effective as possible.

We all know your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. If yellow satined teeth aren’t the impression you want to give, contact Dr. Rosenbusch today!

For more information on whitening your teeth contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Caring for your Toothbrush | Boca Raton Dentist

closeup on happy young woman brushing teethDentists recommend you brush your teeth twice a day, but it’s important to remember that the toothbrush you use is as important as brushing itself. The toothbrush is a tool to remove food debris and bacteria from your teeth, and like many tools, requires proper care in order be effective.

First, toothbrushes are designed to minimize bacteria in your mouth by removing food and plaque. To minimize bacteria, the toothbrush must be kept clean. It should be washed thoroughly with tap water after each use to remove food particles.

Keep the toothbrush upright in a rack or cup – allowing water to drain from the bristles, as dry bristles are less likely to grow bacteria. If you must put the toothbrush into a closed container after use (for example, when traveling), try to dry it using a clean towel if possible.

You should consider sanitizing the toothbrush occasionally. This can be done easily with antibacterial mouthwash, though some dentists recommend you run your toothbrush through the dishwasher to allow the heat to kill bacteria. You can even buy professional sterilizers that utilize ultraviolet light to sanitize toothbrushes.

The average toothbrush should last 3-4 months, but replace it if it shows signs of wear. Bristles that are frayed, loose, or falling out are a sign that it’s time to replace the brush, and certainly any sign of cracking plastic signal it’s time to replace the toothbrush. Even if the toothbrush is in good condition, you should consider replacing your toothbrush if you’ve ben ill – if you continuing using a toothbrush after you’ve been sick, you can continue introducing the bacteria from that illness to your system.

If you have questions about choosing the right toothbrush, talk to your dentist. While any toothbrush that is certified by the ADA is likely effective, proper brushing technique and care of your toothbrush are necessary to properly fight tooth decay.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Foods & Drinks to Avoid | Boca Raton Dentist

Brushing and flossing are the two best ways to avoid tooth decay, but what you eat and drink also plays a part. Tooth decay is caused by acids eating away at tooth enamel, and those acids are typically produced by bacteria on the surface of teeth and beneath the gums. Certain foods and drinks can either combat or contribute to tooth decay, and knowing the difference can help you manage your risk.

The foods and drinks that contribute to tooth decay typically fall into one of two categories – either high in sugar (which provides food for bacterial colonies), or high in acid, which weakens enamels. Examples of these foods and drinks are easy to come by:
– Sugary sweets (such as candy) and refined carbohydrates (such as chips, bread, and pasta) are likely to linger in your mouth, feeding bacteria
– Soda and sugary drinks can be both acidic and sugary, contributing both to stronger bacteria colonies and weakening the enamel that protects the teeth.
– Lemons, oranges, tomatoes, and their juices all have some sugar, but are very acidic – eating or drinking them is fine, but you should avoid sucking on lemon wedges for extended periods of time, as the acid is strong enough to erode enamel very quickly.

Much like some foods can cause tooth decay, there are also foods that can help fight tooth decay. Typically, these are foods that are fiber or calcium rich, and low in sugar and acid. Examples include:
– Foods like celery require a lot of chewing, which produces saliva, which helps wash other food particles off of teeth
– Foods like milk, cheese, and plain yogurt provide important minerals that will help strengthen your teeth.
– Sugarless gum (containing Xylitol) will stimulate saliva to help wash food particles from your mouth, and the Xylitol will actually help fight the bacterial colonies within your mouth.
– Like xylitol, green and black teas suppress bacteria within the mouth

While it may not be practical to avoid all sugary and acidic foods, knowing that they can contribute to tooth decay allows you to take steps to mitigate the risk. After eating or drinking sugary or acidic foods, brushing and flossing can help remove the sugars and acids to keep bacteria and tooth decay away.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Halloween Candy | BOCA RATON DENTIST

Halloween nightHalloween is fast approaching. We know consuming candy is pretty much unavoidable. You ca, however, eat candy responsibly!

Not all sweets are created equal. Some can wreak havoc on your teeth. We’ve got a list of the best and worst candy for your oral health.

The Worst Offenders:

• Sticky, chewy snacks like caramel, gummy bears, salt water taffy and even dried fruit get stuck in the teeth easily. The general rule is that the stickier the candy, the worse it is for your teeth. Delta Dental’s survey says 57 percent of kids eat chewy candy at Halloween.

• Candy corn is laden with sugar that produces acid that eats away at your teeth.

• Sour candies have high acid levels that break down tooth enamel, especially the soft enamel of young children.

• Hard candies stay in your mouth for a long time, drenching it in sugar.

• Jawbreakers actually are hard enough to chip your teeth!

The Best Choices:

• Sugar-free lollipops stimulate saliva production, which flushes away bacteria from your teeth, tongue and gums. Delta Dental’s survey says 44 percent of kids eat sugar-free candy at Halloween.

• Chocolate melts quickly. Choose your favorite variety: milk, dark or white. Be sure to choose the plain variety because chocolate with fillings, such as nuts or caramel, are more harmful to your teeth. Delta Dental’s survey says 86 percent of kids eat chocolate at Halloween.

• Peanut butter cups are similar to chocolate in that they disappear fast.

• Sugar-free gum helps dislodge food particles and stimulate saliva production(Source: chron.com).

Be sure to practice your oral care routine after consuming candy. Candy left sitting on your teeth can produce damaging bacteria. We’re guessing you don’t want to see the dentists drill on your next visit.

For more information on oral health & Halloween candy contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Caring for Your Toothbrush | BOCA RATON DENTIST

closeup on happy young woman brushing teethBrushing and flossing are two of the most important aspects of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. While dentists will recommend you brush and floss at least twice a day, it’s important to do it properly in order to receive the expected benefits. One of the keys to brushing properly is to use the right toothbrush, and to care for it properly.

While different people will prefer different styles of toothbrush – manual or electric, soft or firm – it’s generally recommended that you consider soft bristles to avoid damaging your gums. This is especially important if you are a vigorous brusher – a softer bristle will avoid damaging sensitive gum tissue, which is a common cause of receding gums. A toothbrush approved by the ADA will be most likely to hold up well under use and have a safe and effective design.

Once you’ve selected the proper toothbrush, it’s important to care for it properly. You should clean the toothbrush after each use, rinsing it with water to remove excess toothpaste and other debris. Occasionally soaking the brush in antibacterial mouthwash is also a good idea. After each use, be sure to allow the toothbrush to dry. Ideally, you should store it upright so it can drain, and to minimize the risk that airborne particles will settle on the surface.

From time to time, you’ll need to replace your toothbrush. Typically, you should replace your brush if it shows signs of wear, for example if bristles fall out during use. You should also consider changing brushes after a major illness, as it’s likely that you’ve contaminated the toothbrush, and will re-introduce bacteria to your body. While it may not make you sick a second time, it may prolong the illness if you continue using it as you recover. After three to four months of regular use, you should replace your toothbrush – the bristles will be starting to wear, and the relatively inexpensive price of toothbrushes should make replacement simple.

Finally, you should avoid sharing your toothbrush, even with close family members. While many families are comfortable swapping saliva, you should remember that tooth decay is bacterial in nature, and that bacteria will live on a toothbrush. In that sense, you can consider tooth decay a disease that can be transmitted from person to person. It’s in everyone’s best interest not to share toothbrushes.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Bad Breath & Underlying Problems | Boca Raton Dentist

Fresh Breath

‘You have bad breath!’ No one wants or likes to hear it, but it’s worse not to know it. There can be many factors to your bad breath, all treatable. While poor dental hygiene accounts for most cases of halitosis, bad breath can sometimes signal another underlying medical condition. If you are experiencing bad breath start with a visit to your dentist. If you are only suffering from bad breath from either an internal or oral problem fortunately for you this problem is often easy to fix.

Studies show that about 80% of bad breath comes from an oral source. For instance, cavities or gum disease can lead to bad breath, as can tonsils that have trapped food particles; cracked fillings, and less-than-clean dentures. What helps: Good oral hygiene, regular visits to your dentist, and ruling out any underlying conditions or other factors (such as some medications, diets, and foods) that could make your breath less than pleasant.

When the enamel on your teeth erodes, food particles can get deposited in those holes, called dental caries. Because brushing your teeth can’t remove these food deposits, they can eventually grow bacteria, which produces a bad smell. Gingivitis is another medical condition that may cause bad breath. When the gum becomes inflamed with bacteria, it can result in severe pain and foul smelling discharge.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important in keeping bad breath away. Make sure you keep up your oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes, followed, by a thorough flossing session, and then a rinse with some mouth wash to seal in the cleanliness and fresh breath!

A quick breath check can save you from more than just an awkward social situation — it could tell you if you’ve got an underlying dental problem.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Tooth Crowding | Boca Raton Dentist

ThinkstockPhotos-185147513One of potential types of dental problems that patients allow to go untreated is tooth crowding. When there is insufficient room in the mouth for normal tooth alignment, teeth can be twisted and turned, pushed and nudged into odd positions that make smiles unattractive and bites uneven. While many people care about correcting tooth crowding for cosmetic reasons, tooth crowding also contributes to dental decay (as alignment problems make brushing and flossing areas between teeth difficult) and pressure on the temporomandibular joint, which can cause jaw problems over time.

Tooth crowding is typically known to dentists as malocclusion, and it can be caused by a wide variety of conditions:
– Lost and missing teeth allow other teeth to move and rotate
– Extra teeth can compete for space
– Impacted teeth can cause pressure on tooth roots below the gum surface, completing for space below the gum line
– Poorly done dental fittings such as crowns and improperly applied fittings can cause pressure between teeth
– Jaw alignment problems – either due to injury or genetic development

The typical treatment for tooth crowding is physical correction using either orthodontics devices such as braces or Invisalign. In some cases, your dentist or orthodontist may recommend tooth extraction or surgical correction, especially in cases where extra teeth cause crowding that is difficult to correct with simple straightening. On very rare occasions, surgery to lengthen or shorten the jaw may be required – the jaw bone can be cut and realigned, and held in place with screws and plates. While this is unusual, it’s worth knowing that virtually all malocclusions can be treated with modern dental medicine.

If you feel that your teeth aren’t properly aligned, or if you’re concerned that you have an over-bite, under-bite, or even a deep bite, schedule an appointment with your dentist for an evaluation so that you can be informed of the various treatment options.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/