Tag Archives: destroyer of smiles

Why Emotional Eating Can Mess with Your Smile | Boca Raton Dentist

A series of photos showing different stages of smile.We’ve all been there before, something traumatic in your life happens and the first thing you do is turn to something else in order to console ourselves. And chances are, those choices aren’t going to involve eating a salad or having a giant glass of water. No, we will be indulging in a tub of ice cream or a stiff alcoholic beverage. It’s what we know will sooth our emotions, if only for a moment. And so, we do. And then it wears off and we are left with both the bad feelings and a belly full of unhealthiness. It’s a slippery slope we walk when something goes wrong in our worlds. But there are ways to combat those intense cravings when the sky begins to fall:

Talk it out. One of the easiest ways to help relieve your stressors is to talk them out. It could be to anyone – a confidant, a professional or just yourself – talking out the reasons you are feeling the way you are will not only make you feel better, but will also help you find solutions clearly.

Work it out. Believe it or not, but exercise releases endorphins in your brain, instantly boosting your overall attitude. If you’re feeling down, go out for a walk or to the gym. It’s just as good as that chocolate snack, but won’t make you feel bad afterwards.

Hug it out. Love is the strong stress reliever of all. So, grab whatever or whoever you love the most and just love on them for a minute.

If you would like more information about stress eating, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

January 21st Is National Granola Bar Day | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman with dark hair and blue eyes smiling.There are lots of foods that we love to indulge in aren’t necessarily good for us. In order to compensate for the lack of nutrition, we eat foods that are better for us to counterbalance things. But what if I told you that you may be eating foods that only look good for us? Yes, there are some foods that are unhealthy but choose to remain incognito. One of these foods is a staple at every health food store – the granola bar.

Your basic granola bar is composed of some really healthy ingredients – lots of grains like oats and barley are mixed with superfoods like nuts and dried fruits, in order to keep up energy. This is why hikers and other outdoor sports enthusiasts use them while on the go. So far, so good, right? Here is where things get dicey.

In order to create the “bar†effect that makes up a granola bar, there needs to be an ingredient to hold everything together. Unfortunately, this ends up being some type of sticky sugary agent, like honey, syrup and/or molasses. Not only do these ingredients bind everything together in the molds, but also adds a sweet factor that gives the granola its draw. Therein lies the problem. Sugar is the main culprit we have in getting cavities!

So, next time you are looking for a healthy snack to nosh on, make sure to read the labels on your favorites. You may be surprised just how healthy they really are for not only our bodies, but our smiles as well.

If you would like more information about teeth-friendly foods, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

No One Like Crowds | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman getting her teeth cleaned by dentist.Right around the time your baby teeth turn into the adult version, we seem to have one final hurdle to go thru in our mouths – a pretty painful one at that. We get our wisdom teeth. Generally, we have them remove, which is also quite the process, but do you know why it hurts so much when our wisdom teeth come in? It’s due to tooth crowding. When there is insufficient room in the mouth for normal tooth alignment, teeth can be twisted and turned, pushed and nudged into odd positions that make smiles unattractive and bites uneven. While many people care about correcting tooth crowding for cosmetic reasons, tooth crowding also contributes to dental decay (as alignment problems make brushing and flossing areas between teeth difficult) and pressure on the temporomandibular joint, which can cause jaw problems over time.

Tooth crowding is typically known to dentists as malocclusion, and can be caused by quite a few things:

  • Lost and missing teeth leave enough space for other teeth to move and rotate
  • Extra teeth competing for space
  • Impacted teeth can cause pressure on tooth roots below the gum surface, completing for space below the gum line
  • Poorly done dental fittings such as crowns and improperly applied fittings cause pressure issues between teeth
  • Jaw alignment problems due to injury or genetic development

The typical treatment for tooth crowding is physical correction using either orthodontics devices such as braces or Invisalign. In some cases, your dentist or orthodontist may recommend tooth extraction or surgical correction, like your wisdom teeth, especially in cases where extra teeth cause crowding that is difficult to correct with simple straightening. On very rare occasions, surgery to lengthen or shorten the jaw may be required. If that’s the case, the jaw bone can be cut and realigned, then held in place with screws and plates. While this is unusual, it’s worth knowing that virtually all malocclusions can be treated with modern dental medicine.

If you feel that your teeth aren’t properly aligned, or if you’re concerned that your jaw isn’t aligning correctly, schedule an appointment with your dentist for an evaluation. Not only will they be able to diagnose your symptoms, but you will also be able to discuss the various treatment options.

If you feel your teeth may be crowding, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Foods & Drinks to Avoid | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman is eating an apple outsideBrushing and flossing are the two best ways to avoid tooth decay, but what you eat and drink also plays a part. Tooth decay is caused by acids eating away at tooth enamel, and those acids are typically produced by bacteria on the surface of teeth and beneath the gums. Certain foods and drinks can either combat or contribute to tooth decay, and knowing the difference can help you manage your risk.

The foods and drinks that contribute to tooth decay typically fall into one of two categories – either high in sugar (which provides food for bacterial colonies), or high in acid, which weakens enamels. Examples of these foods and drinks are easy to come by:
– Sugary sweets (such as candy) and refined carbohydrates (such as chips, bread, and pasta) are likely to linger in your mouth, feeding bacteria
– Soda and sugary drinks can be both acidic and sugary, contributing both to stronger bacteria colonies and weakening the enamel that protects the teeth.
– Lemons, oranges, tomatoes, and their juices all have some sugar, but are very acidic – eating or drinking them is fine, but you should avoid sucking on lemon wedges for extended periods of time, as the acid is strong enough to erode enamel very quickly.

Much like some foods can cause tooth decay, there are also foods that can help fight tooth decay. Typically, these are foods that are fiber or calcium rich, and low in sugar and acid. Examples include:
– Foods like celery require a lot of chewing, which produces saliva, which helps wash other food particles off of teeth
– Foods like milk, cheese, and plain yogurt provide important minerals that will help strengthen your teeth.
– Sugarless gum (containing Xylitol) will stimulate saliva to help wash food particles from your mouth, and the Xylitol will actually help fight the bacterial colonies within your mouth.
– Like xylitol, green and black teas suppress bacteria within the mouth

While it may not be practical to avoid all sugary and acidic foods, knowing that they can contribute to tooth decay allows you to take steps to mitigate the risk. After eating or drinking sugary or acidic foods, brushing and flossing can help remove the sugars and acids to keep bacteria and tooth decay away.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/

Quit Smoking to Help Preserve Your Smile

Smoking can be catastrophic to your teeth, gums and mouth. The harmful effects of smoking on respiratory and cardiac health are well known, but if you’re a smoker, we want to make sure that you’re aware that smoking can also affect your oral health. Below we describe how smoking could destroy your smile.

Detrimental to Gums
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly half of American adults that are 30 years old or older have gum disease. The same study reported that more than 64 percent of smokers suffered from periodontal disease, which is an inflammation of the gums that can lead to the loss of the tissues that hold your teeth in place! Suffice it to say gum disease is a common ailment for many people.

Smoking restricts the amount of blood flowing in your gums and surrounding tissues, which increases their chance of being inflamed. When you smoke, your immune system is weakened, leaving your body more vulnerable to infection. Gum disease occurs when the tissue that supports your teeth becomes infected, due to the buildup of plaque, which hardens into tartar. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research has reported that smoking is one of the most significant factors associated with the development of gum disease.

Dangerous for Teeth
Smoking doesn’t just stain your teeth, in time it can rob you of them. The appearance of stained teeth is unpleasant enough on its own, because the nicotine and tar found in tobacco turns the teeth from their natural white to yellow and eventually to brown. Long-term smoking can even result in tooth loss. And despite what tobacco company ads may portray, having teeth is far more attractive than having a cigarette in your mouth!

Disastrous to Oral Health
Bad breath is one nasty by-product of smoking that can cause awkward implications for your social life, but the ramifications for your overall oral health can be much worse: Smoking is one of the primary causes of mouth cancer, and it can be fatal. According to the Dental Health Foundation, smoking or chewing tobacco causes between 80 to 90 percent of oral cancers. By the way, alcohol consumption increases the risk of oral cancer, and if one consumes alcohol and tobacco together, the risk is even higher.

We are sympathetic to those who struggle with an addiction to tobacco products, but please don’t sacrifice your beautiful smile to the dangers of smoking. If you quit smoking, attend your regular dental checkups and cleanings, brush twice a day, floss once a day, and eat a well-balanced diet, then you will significantly improve your chances of enjoying great oral health. If you have questions or concerns about the dangers of smoking, feel free to call our office at [phone].