Tag Archives: General Dentistry

When Your Breath Is Hot like Fire | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman with dark hair and blue eyes smiling.

No one wants or likes to hear they have bad breath, but it’s worse not to know it. There can be many factors to your bad breath, and all are treatable. While poor dental hygiene accounts for most cases of halitosis, bad breath can sometimes signal another underlying medical condition. If you are experiencing bad breath start with a visit to your dentist. If you are only suffering from bad breath from either an internal or oral problem, fortunately this problem is often easy to fix.

Studies show that about 80% of bad breath comes from an oral source. For instance, cavities or gum disease can lead to bad breath; tonsils that have trapped food particles, cracked fillings, and less-than-clean dentures. Good oral hygiene, regular visits to your dentist, and ruling out any underlying conditions or other factors that could make your breath less than pleasant (e.g. medications or diet).

When the enamel on your teeth erodes, food particles can get deposited in those holes, called dental caries. Because brushing your teeth can’t remove these food deposits, they can eventually grow bacteria, producing a bad smell. Gingivitis is another medical condition that may cause bad breath. When the gum becomes inflamed with bacteria, it can result in severe pain and foul smelling discharge.

So what do you do to prevent bad breath from happening? Maintaining good oral hygiene is important in keeping bad breath away. Make sure you keep up your oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes, a thorough flossing session, and a quick rinse with some mouthwash to seal in the cleanliness and fresh breath!

In between your oral routine it is important to keep one thing in mind: Saliva is our first line of defense against bad breath! And what causes us to create this magical dental friend? Chewing. Every meal you eat, every snack you nosh on, every piece of bubble gum you chew is all helping to create the saliva that fights against germs and bad breath. But keep in mind, it takes 20 minutes for sugar to be cleared from your mouth after its consumption. The more often you are chewing on something sugary, the more often you are exposing your teeth to more bacteria, so try to keep these munching spurts less sugary and more healthy. Sugar-free gum & candy is great, but so is a handy bottle of water. Keeping a nice balance will not only get those salivary glands working, but will also help out the cause when you don’t have a toothbrush handy.

There are some conditions that will, in fact, prevent a healthy amount of saliva in our mouths. Certain medications or diseases can also affect the way your body produces saliva. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is more likely to develop conditions like rapid tooth decay, gum disease, cavities or even bad breath. This may be able to be cured naturally by drinking lots of water and chewing on sugar-free gum or candy, but more than likely, you should have a medical professional give you their opinion as it could be preventable.

A quick breath check can save you from more than just an awkward social situation — it could tell you if you have an underlying dental problem.

If you feel bad breath has become an issue, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

It’s All About Taking Preventative Measures | Boca Raton Dentist

A person with their teeth being examined by an dentist.Not taking proper care of your teeth and neglecting your oral health can easily cost you thousands of dollars in restorative dental care. But, by practicing what’s known as preventative dental care, you can easily save yourself from the hassle of having to deal with and spending money for various dental problems.

Preventative dental care emphasizes the proper education, treatment and practice of maintaining good oral health. It involves brushing daily, flossing, rinsing and even regular dental cleanings, all of which are designed to help prevent gum disease, cavities and a wide range of other dental problems.

In-Office Procedures

Preventative treatment can occur in the dental chair, with the most common form being the dental exam itself. The main purpose of a dental exam is to thoroughly check the teeth for any possible signs of gum disease, dental decay, cavities, so on. Taking X-rays may also be necessary, depending on the occasion. After the examination, the dental practitioner can recommend a thorough cleaning, which is also one of the best ways to keep cavities and gum disease at bay.

Most of the time, one appointment is more than enough. However, if you haven’t been visiting the dentist often for regular maintenance and checkups, more than one appointment may be required. And if infection and other complications are already present, your dental practitioner may have to refer you to another specialist.

Preventative Dentistry in Children

The best way to prevent gum disease and other oral complications is to start early, which is why preventative dentistry in children is very important. As early as 1 to 2 years old, children should be taken to the dentist regularly to ensure a lifetime of dental health. For further preventative measures, sealants that can help prevent decay during the years (between ages of 6 and 12) the permanent molars start to erupt may also be applied. Orthodontics and the wearing of braces is also a popular choice among parents as this helps prevent misalignment as a child’s jaw slowly matures into adulthood. All in all, the key here is for parents to teach children proper dental hygiene habits and more importantly, be role models themselves.

Benefits and Goals of Preventative Dentistry

Preventative dentistry comes in many forms, including fluoride use, following a well-balanced diet, visiting the dentist regularly, regular dental cleanings and screenings, X-rays, use of mouth guards, oral health management and so on.

The main goal here is to prevent all sorts of oral complications from gum disease, sensitivity, cavities, oral cancer, as well as many others and keep them at bay. And, when you consider the costs of treatment versus prevention, preferring the latter is a NO-brainer of a decision. Also, now that oral health has been proven to affect our overall health, there’s really no reason NOT to emphasize the importance of preventative dentistry.

All things considered, preventative dentistry can not only save you both time and money, but it can also help you enjoy and look forward to a lifetime’s worth of a healthy smile!

If you feel you need to begin preventative dental care, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

What’s the Deal with Flossing? | Boca Raton Dentist

If there is any part of the daily dental routine we drag our feet about, it has to be flossing. Not sure what it is, but there is something about this particular action that makes us cringe with dread. The excuse varies from patient to patient – some find it difficult, others simply don’t think they have time, and still others don’t understand the purpose and importance of flossing. While brushing your teeth regularly is necessary to prevent tooth decay, flossing is just as important. Sad to say but, brushing alone, without flossing, will not prevent either tooth decay or periodontal disease.

One of the main risks to oral health is damage from bacteria that damage tooth and gum tissue, resulting in tooth decay and periodontal disease. This bacteria takes the form of plaque (a thin yellow film composed primarily of bacteria and water), which will harden into tartar if not removed. The presence of plaque and tartar is virtually always damaging to teeth because it produces certain acids that will eat through tooth enamel and hardened tartar deposits that will physically irritate gum tissue, leading to gum recession.

The primary purpose of flossing is to remove plaque and tartar from surfaces of the teeth that cannot be reached by brushing alone. Because brushing alone cannot reach between teeth, flossing can help physically scrape plaque from teeth before it’s allowed to harden into tartar. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it needs to be removed with professional cleaning. No matter how much you brush going forward, brushing and flossing alone will be unable to remove the calcified deposits from teeth.

Patients who rarely floss will likely notice that their gums are irritated and bleed when flossing. This is nature’s way of telling you to have a professional cleaning. Over time, regular flossing will remove the bacteria that causes inflammation and bleeding, allowing the patient’s gums to heal. It is important, though, to use antibacterial mouthwash in conjunction with flossing to help kill any bacteria that remain in the mouth after flossing.

Brushing and mouthwash can help kill most of the bacteria in your mouth, but flossing is truly necessary to remove plaque from between teeth to keep your gums healthy. If you’re unsure of the right way to floss, ask your dentist or oral hygienist to show you a proper flossing technique. It will not only keep your mouth healthy, but it will also keep you out of the dentist chair, awaiting a terrible procedure.

For more information on proper flossing technique, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive To Hot and Cold?

A woman getting her teeth cleaned by dentist.If you’ve been avoiding cold and hot foods or beverages because of sensitivity in your teeth, it may be time that you try and find out the underlying cause for the pain.

Why Does It Happen?

Dentin, the primary material found inside each tooth, contains microscopic tubules full of tiny nerve endings. Then, on the outside, a much harder material considered as the hardest substance found in the human body known as enamel, covers pretty much the whole tooth.

Durable as the enamel may be, it is still possible for teeth to lose its protective covering, exposing dentin or the nerve endings to hot and cold food or beverages, resulting in pain.

What Causes It?

Why someone may have sensitive teeth can be narrowed down to the following causes:

  • The excessive use of a hard-bristled toothbrush or brushing too aggressively, resulting into the enamel wearing out prematurely.
  • Frequent exposure to highly acidic beverages and acidic foods resulting to tooth erosion.
  • Tooth decay, broken teeth and worn-out fillings that may expose dentin.
  • Exposed roots of the teeth due to gum recession.
  • Bruxism or the habitual grinding of teeth, especially when asleep.
  • A possibleside effect of certain dental treatments such as tooth bleaching, crowns, fillings and so on.

What You Can Do About It

The first step in getting rid of the pain that comes with tooth sensitivity is to talk to your dentist and have your teeth checked.

During your visit, it is best to describe when you first remembered feeling the pain, as well as what caused or triggered it. Also, tell your dentist about certain measures you’ve taken, such as applying a warm compress that had a positive effect.

Your dentist will have to check your mouth thoroughly to determine the reason behind your tooth sensitivity. Then, after a brief discussion, you can then choose the type of treatment you want to have to treat underlying cause.

Treatment may be something as simple as filling in a cavity, or having a worn filling replaced. However, it can also be as complex as having a gum graft conducted to help protect the exposed root surface or periodontal treatment to treat tooth decay, as well as to prevent it from reoccurring.

Other forms of treatment may be the application of an in-office fluoride gel that can help strengthen the tooth enamel. This may help reduce, or even eliminate, painful sensations.

You may also want to consider using desensitizing toothpastes instead of what you regularly use. Since they’re specially designed for sensitive teeth, you should feel less or even no pain at all with regular use. Also, you’ll want to use a toothbrush with soft-bristles and change it every time it’s worn out, or every two to three months, whichever comes first.

Still, the best thing that you can do, as mentioned earlier, is to set an appointment with your dentist today. Who knows, one visit may be all that it takes for you to be able to enjoy ice cream as you once did!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your oral health, contact Dr. Clive Rosenbusch, DDS at 561-394-7888 to schedule an appointment today. Or visit www.cliverosenbuschdds.com for additional information regarding oral health.  

What To Do When You Already Have Tooth Decay

A woman getting her teeth cleaned by dentist.Even after your best efforts of preventing tooth decay, sometimes, it just happens and your dentist ends up finding a sign or two. Though, it’s not as threatening, nor as painful, you shouldn’t give in to the temptation of putting off treatment for a later time.

Why so?

This is because tooth decay just doesn’t repair itself, not now and not ever. If it’s already begun showing signs and symptoms, what may start off as a minor problem can escalate rather quickly if left untreated, more so if left unchecked.

How Tooth Decay Starts

Tooth decay is a very subtle bacterial infection that starts way before patients develop any noticeable signs and symptoms.

Thanks to the acid-spewing bacteria produced by the sticky plaque on your teeth, the acids can slowly dissolve even the hard enamel protecting your teeth. It does this without causing any pain or discomfort.

By the time tooth decay does cause pain, it can infect not just your teeth, but also the root and cause even more pain.

Apart from pain, here are a few signs and symptoms to look out for:

  • Fever
  • Facial swelling
  • A foul taste in your mouth

Though, if you visit your dentist regularly, you won’t have to worry about checking signs and symptoms yourself since they’ll know if you’re already suffering from early tooth decay through a regular oral or dental examination.

What To Do

The best possible course of action is to seek care as soon as possible.

Not postponing treatment gives you a better chance of fighting off tooth decay and in many cases, even reversing its effects.

Possible treatment options include:

  • Fluoride treatments. Applied via liquid, gel, foam or varnish, the flourish is brushed to teeth and placed in a small tray that’s worn over the teeth. Each treatment takes no longer than a few minutes and is likely to help restore the tooth’s enamel in minor cases such as when the cavity is just getting started.
  • If the decay has begun to erode tooth enamel, fillings can be used to restore teeth to its proper shape and cover up cavities. For a better look, opt for tooth-colored fillings that fit perfectly with the rest of your teeth.
  • Once the cavity has grown too big, causing the tooth to lose much of its structure, a crown may be the only way to restore the tooth’s shape and function. These treatments cost a bit more than just a simple filling.
  • Root canals. A root canal is often the only way to save the tooth once the tooth decay has progressed too much, where the diseased pulp is cleaned and sealed. A crown may be necessary if to restore the tooth to its proper form and function.
  • Tooth extraction. In the worst possible case, the dentist may have to remove the affected teeth to prevent tooth decay from spreading even further. Aesthetically, having a missing tooth or two just doesn’t look good. Though, the various health risks it poses shouldn’t be neglected as well.


One good reason why you shouldn’t let tooth decay progress even further is not just the possible loss of teeth, but how it can progress to periodontitis.

This form of gum disease is very dangerous and may put you at risk for various complications, ranging from heart disease and diabetes, among others. Even worse is that it’s not easy to cure, nor is it curable in most cases, often only manageable through regular treatments, which can be quite expensive.

To put simply, you should always go to the dentist at the first sign of trouble. Though, if you’re already there, might as well ask for a list of possible treatment options and have tooth decay taken care of right there and then.

Of course, prevention is always better than cure, and the best way to do this is to brush and floss daily, as well as visit the dentist regularly for checkups and thorough cleaning sessions.

If you feel that you may be suffering from tooth decay, contact Dr. Clive Rosenbusch, DDS at 561-394-7888 to schedule an appointment for a checkup today or visit www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

The Use of Nitrous Oxide in Dentistry

A woman laying in the grass with her eyes closed.Dental anxiety is a real thing and is very common in both adults and children. While some adults suffering from dental anxiety tend to have ways to cope, there are those that have a hard time entertaining the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair long enough to finish even a simple checkup.

In these cases, the dentist may suggest a form of medicine to help a patient feel more relaxed or sleepy, but still widely conscious. The patient will still be able to move around and respond normally to voice, as well as other stimuli.

More often than not, the effects of the medicine will last until the treatment is finished.

One form of medicine commonly used by dentists is Nitrous Oxide

What is Nitrous Oxide?

Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used to help patients who are mildly or moderately anxious or nervous. It eases their fear of the dentist and makes them feel more comfortable. The effect often lasts throughout the whole treatment, calming the patient and allowing the dentist to proceed safely with the treatment.

Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen, then the patient is asked to wear a mask and breathe in the laughing gas through their nose. Slowly, it will take effect and will eventually make the feel comfortable, even giddy in some cases.

The dentist will often adjust the levels of the gas administered, depending on the type of treatment involved. Also, dentists have received the necessary training and education to know how to prevent their patients from being overdosed.


The main benefit of nitrous oxide is that it is inhaled through a mask, which makes the ideal option for patients who are afraid of needles. Also, since it is in gas form, it tends to take effect quickly.

The effects quickly wear off as well, and the gas is often completely gone from the patient’s body just five minutes after the mask is taken off. This makes it possible for patients to move around normally as they would and even drive safely without needing someone to accompany them to-and-from the dentist’s office.

Nitrous oxide can also be used by just about anyone, from kids, to adults, to even people who have pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.


Of course, nitrous oxide is not perfect. It will not work for patients who are extremely anxious or are deathly afraid of sitting still in a dentist’s chair. Also, while this is a rare occurrence, nitrous oxide has been known to induce vomiting and nausea.

Those who have a cold or difficulty breathing through their nose are advised to postpone their treatment until they feel better.

Patients feel uncomfortable wearing an oxygen mask are advised to stay away from nitrous oxide sedation.

Patients who are suffering from medical conditions, such as emphysema and multiple sclerosis are not good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. The same goes for pregnant women, specifically, those who are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Generally, however, nitrous oxide is one of the safest ways to sedate patients and calm them down enough to receive treatment safely and comfortable.

If you’re concerned about whether or not nitrous oxide sedation is safe for you, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or a local dentist.

If you feel that would benefits from nitrous oxide, contact Dr. Clive Rosenbusch DDS at 561-394-7888 to see if you would be a good candidate. Visit www.cliverosenbuschdds.com to learn more about Dr. Clive Rosenbusch and his team.

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman with braces on her teeth smiling.

Traditional braces and Invisalign are two of the most common techniques used by dental professionals to straighten the teeth of their patients. The main purpose for such treatment options is to help move teeth to their ideal position, improving their patient’s look. At the same time, both treatment options also promote proper function of the teeth, which helps prevent further dental problems in the future.

With traditional braces, dentists use metal wires, brackets and even elastics to help “push†teeth to their ideal position. Meanwhile, Invisalign utilizes a set of clear plastic trays to accomplish the same thing.

The main difference between the two is that traditional braces are very obvious and have been known to make patients feel self-conscious about their smile. While, on the other hand, Invisalign remains practically invisible.

Each treatment option presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

It’s important that you know what each treatment option brings to the table in order to make a proper, informed decision about which treatment you’ll choose to help improve your teeth.

The Argument For Dental Braces

Traditional braces work by utilizing wire and brackets that pressed against your teeth, encouraging slight movements of the teeth that gradually helps put it in proper alignment and eventually, straighten it.

Dental braces are considered the more versatile of the two as the procedure can be used to correct even the most complicated cases.

While it is debatable about whether the braces are esthetically pleasing or not, what can’t be denied is its function and how effective braces are in straightening teeth.

Unfortunately, the braces do have drawbacks, including but not limited to:

  • The use of visible brackets and wires can make the patient feel self-conscious about their smile. While, the patient can learn to adjust to this over time, it still is a major deciding factor that’s worthy of consideration.
  • Braces are permanent and can only be removed by an orthodontist. Also, should any of the wires or brackets be lost, they’d have to be refitted by the orthodontist and additional costs may be incurred.
  • The patient will have to adjust to a whole new oral routine, mainly because braces require more extensive care, including different brushing and flossing techniques for proper cleaning.
  • The risk of breaking and staining means that the patient will have to alter their diet and avoid certain food items.

Why Invisalign is a Better Option

Invisalign utilizes a set of clear, computer-generated trays that has to be worn for around 20 to 24 hours a day, only to be removed when eating or drinking. The tray is also changed every two weeks, though certain trays can last for as long as six months and even one year in between changes.

The best advantage to using Invisalign is that they’re practically invisible, hence the name.  This is good news for those who simply do not want people to know that they’re wearing braces. This also helps avoid being put in awkward social situations where the braces may end up being the source of discrimination or bullying.

While Invisalign is mainly considered as an esthetic procedure, it works almost as effectively as dental braces do and, in many cases, improving the functionality of teeth.

That and the fact that Invisalign does not cause any speech problems and can easily be removed anytime makes Invisalign a generally more appealing option.

Which Is Which?

The unique advantages that Invisalign offers – such as being able to take them out anytime, no need for dietary changes and so on – clearly makes it the better treatment option of the two.

Ultimately though, your orthodontist will be the most qualified person to help you weigh out which of the two are best suited for your particular case.

Be sure to discuss with your orthodontist thoroughly to make sure that you do not make a choice that you’ll end up regretting in the end.

Make an appointment today for a check up and cleaning with Clive Rosenbusch DDS at 561-394-7888 or by visiting the website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

A tooth brush and mirror on top of pearls.By definition, a dental emergency is any event that causes trauma to the mouth that resulted in either the bleeding and/or lacerations to the gums, or the dislodging, fracture, or chipping of the teeth. The emergency may be the result of an accident, or it may also be simply the result of biting a piece of food that’s too hard.

Either way, dental emergencies warrant medical attention as soon as possible, or else it may lead to much more serious complications.

What To Do In a Dental Emergency

Handling dental emergencies can be quite tricky, especially if you or a person close to you is the one involved. But, knowing what to do can make a huge difference between saving a tooth and losing it.

Be sure to read on below and familiarize yourself with these dental emergency procedures just in case you ever encounter a dental emergency in the near future.

  • When a tooth is knocked out, hold on to the tooth by the crown and then wash the roots to make sure that they’re not dirty. Do not scrub or else you may risk removing any remaining attached tissue fragments. Try to see if you can place the tooth back in its socket, albeit doing it gently. If you can’t, place it in a cup of milk and see the dentist immediately.
  • If a tooth is broken, keep the area clean by rinsing your mouth with warm water. Then, apply a cold compress on your face to help reduce the swelling. Make sure to see the dentist immediately.
  • A bit tongue or lip should be cleaned as gently as possible with a clean cloth. You should also apply cold compress as your lips, or tongue are sure to swell. This type of accident typically doesn’t require immediate treatment. But, if the bleeding doesn’t stop after a few minutes or if it’s really heavy, be sure to go to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible.
  • If you find yourself suddenly suffering from a toothache, cleanse your mouth with warm water and then, gently floss the affected area to remove any possible food particles that may have been trapped. Do NOT try to self treat by applying aspirin to the tooth or gum tissues. Rather, make sure to see your dentist immediately.
  • If you suspect a possible fracture or jaw injury, apply cold compress to reduce swelling and immediately go to the emergency room or your dentist’s office.
  • If a wire breaks or becomes loose from your braces and causes irritation in your mouth, cove the wire end with a piece of gauze or a small cotton ball until your teeth are checked by your dentist. Do not delay treatment or try fixing it yourself, especially if the wire gets stuck in your cheek, tongue or gum tissue.

Prevention and Preparedness

To help prevent or minimize dental emergencies, be sure to take in mind the following tips:

  • Wear a mouth guard. If you’re regularly involved in any contact sport, wearing a mouth guard is the best way to protect your teeth from any form of trauma or injury. This is especially true if you’re wearing braces. For a mouth guard that’s comfortable to wear, be sure to bring this issue up with your dentist.
  • Avoid regularly eating hard food and candies. Most dental emergencies result not from accidents, but from eating hard food and candies regularly. Be sure to minimize your risk for an unnecessary dental emergency by avoiding eating hard food and candies.

It may also pay to be prepared and pack an emergency dental-care kit for immediate relief of pain, including:

  • Your dentist’s phone numbers.
  • A clean, white cloth or a handkerchief.
  • A small container, preferably one with a lid.
  • (NEVER Aspirin as it is an anticoagulant and may end up making things worse by causing excessive bleeding).

The key to handling dental emergencies is to be prepared and most important of all, be prompt, both with immediate on-site treatment and treatment in the dentist’s office. The latter is especially important so as to prevent any further damage resulting from the dental emergency.

If you have a dental emergency please call the office of Clive Rosenbusch DDS at 561-394-7888 to get in immediately. To learn more about how you can prevent dental emergency’s visit www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.

Can You Reverse Tooth Decay?

A woman is brushing her teeth with a tooth brush.

Proper oral care is rather simple – take good care of your teeth or your smile will suffer for it. But, simple, doesn’t always mean easy. If it were, then people won’t have to worry about having any dental problem and dentists won’t have as many patients.

The truth is, dental problems affect people of all ages today and one of the most common is tooth decay.

Tooth decay is what happens when the bacteria in plaque have produced enough acid in your mouth to destroy your tooth enamel. Being that bacteria are always present in your mouth, the key to preventing tooth decay is to always exercise proper oral care.

What happens, though, once the damage has been done? Can the effects of tooth decay still be reversed?

Visiting Your Dentist

Well, sadly, there are no immediate and magical cures for tooth decay. Also, when it comes to tooth decay, you’re better off taking steps to preventing it rather than trying to undo the damage it has done, which is near-impossible to do so.

What you can do, however, is to start scheduling regular appointments with the dentist. They can help you prevent tooth decay, or at least, prevent it from progressing any further. Also, they can check your teeth for cavities and other dental problems. They can also clean your teeth and gums to get rid of as much plaque, as well as bacteria as possible.

Basic Dental Habits

While undoing the damage done by tooth decay is already out of the question, you can at least defend yourself from it. You can start by brushing twice a day to help rid your teeth of plaque and food particles that are partly responsible for tooth decay. Flossing and rinsing regularly also helps in this regard.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is a key ingredient in helping prevent tooth decay and keeping your smile as bright as it can be. Fluoride can also help reverse the mild effects of tooth decay, making it even more important of an ingredient.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and rinsing with a fluoride rinse will keep your teeth healthy and prevent tooth decay

Use Sugarless Gum

If you’re going to chew on gum, go sugarless.

As it turns out, the chewing of gum can help stimulate saliva production. The more your mouth produces saliva, the more it’s able to neutralize and wash away the acids on your teeth, helping prevent tooth decay.

By chewing on sugarless gum regularly, you have a great option that helps keep your teeth nice and clean in between brushing and flossing. As a bonus, your breath will almost always smell fresh.

Just remember to chew on sugarless gum that’s been sweetened with Xylitol, not just any other regular gum that’s full of sugar.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can also help prevent tooth decay by reducing the amount of bacteria present in your mouth.

You can choose to buy an over-the-counter mouthwash, or get a prescription mouthwash from your dentist.

Keeping Tooth Decay at Bay

By giving your teeth all the tender loving care that they deserve, you can help make sure that they’re in clean and healthy for many more years to come!

Make an appointment today for a check up and cleaning with Clive Rosenbusch DDS at 561-394-7888 or by visiting the website at www.cliverosenbuschdds.com.



A woman with white teeth and pink lips.Dentists routinely remind people to floss regularly – many patients have no problem brushing their teeth twice a day, but many seem to have a harder time flossing. The excuse varies from patient to patient – some find it difficult, others simply don’t think they have time, and still others don’t understand the purpose and importance of flossing. While brushing your teeth regularly is necessary to prevent tooth decay, flossing is just as important: brushing alone, without flossing, will not prevent either tooth decay or periodontal disease.

One of the main risks to oral health is damage from bacteria – the bacteria within the mouth produces acids that damage the tooth and gum tissue, resulting in tooth decay and periodontal disease. Within the mouth, this bacteria takes the form of plaque – a thin yellow film composed primarily of bacteria and water – which will harden into tartar if not removed. The presence of plaque and tartar is virtually always damaging to teeth – it will produce acids that will eat through tooth enamel, and hardened tartar deposits will physically irritate gum tissue, leading to gum recession.

The primary purpose of flossing is to remove plaque and tartar from surfaces of the teeth that can not be reached by brushing alone. In particular, while brushing is great at cleaning the lingual (tongue-facing), facial (cheek-facing), and occlusal (biting) surfaces, it’s relatively poor at cleaning the proximal surfaces – those between teeth. Because brushing alone can not reach between teeth, flossing can help physically scrape plaque from teeth before it’s allowed to harden into tartar. Patients that skip flossing risk allowing tartar to form between teeth – once plaque hardens into tartar, it needs to be removed with professional cleaning, as brushing and flossing alone will be unable to remove the calcified deposits from teeth.

Patients who rarely floss will likely notice that their gums are irritated and bleed when flossing – this is usually an indication that they should have a professional cleaning, and floss more often to help remove existing bacteria. Over time, regular flossing will remove the bacteria that causes inflammation and bleeding, allowing the patient’s gums to heal, and the bleeding will subside. It is important, though, to use antibacterial mouthwash in conjunction with flossing to help kill any bacteria that remain in the mouth after flossing.

Brushing and mouthwash can help kill much of the bacteria within the mouth, but flossing is truly necessary to remove plaque from between teeth. If you’re unsure of the right way to floss, ask your dentist or oral hygienist to show you how – proper flossing technique will save you time, and make you more likely to floss daily.

For more information on oral health contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at https://cliverosenbuschdds.com/