Category Archives: Preventative Dentistry

Dentist examining patient's teeth with tools.

Laugh Your Way out of the Dentist Chair | Boca Raton Dentist

A person with their teeth being examined by an dentist.Dental anxiety is an actual condition that results in patients having a hard time sitting in the dentist’s chair long enough to finish even a simple checkup. When this issue arises, the dentist may suggest a form of medicine to help a patient feel more relaxed or sleepy, but still widely conscious. This medicine? Nitrous oxide.

Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used to help anxious patients relax their fear of the dentist and makes them feel more comfortable. The effect often lasts throughout the whole treatment, calming the patient and allowing the dentist to proceed safely with the treatment.

Administered via a mask, the patient will breathe in the laughing gas through their nose. Slowly, it will take effect and will eventually make the feel comfortable, even giddy in some cases, which is where it gets its moniker.

The effects quickly wear off as well, often completely gone from the patient’s body just five minutes after the mask is taken off. This makes it possible for patients to move around normally, even drive safely without needing someone to accompany them to-and-from the dentist’s office.

Patients who are suffering from medical conditions, such as emphysema and multiple sclerosis are not good candidates for nitrous oxide sedation. The same goes for pregnant women, specifically, those who are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If you’re concerned about whether or not nitrous oxide sedation is safe for you, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or a local dentist.

If you would like more information about nitrous oxide, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Collage of bright, smiling faces.

Why Emotional Eating Can Mess with Your Smile | Boca Raton Dentist

A series of photos showing different stages of smile.We’ve all been there before, something traumatic in your life happens and the first thing you do is turn to something else in order to console ourselves. And chances are, those choices aren’t going to involve eating a salad or having a giant glass of water. No, we will be indulging in a tub of ice cream or a stiff alcoholic beverage. It’s what we know will sooth our emotions, if only for a moment. And so, we do. And then it wears off and we are left with both the bad feelings and a belly full of unhealthiness. It’s a slippery slope we walk when something goes wrong in our worlds. But there are ways to combat those intense cravings when the sky begins to fall:

Talk it out. One of the easiest ways to help relieve your stressors is to talk them out. It could be to anyone – a confidant, a professional or just yourself – talking out the reasons you are feeling the way you are will not only make you feel better, but will also help you find solutions clearly.

Work it out. Believe it or not, but exercise releases endorphins in your brain, instantly boosting your overall attitude. If you’re feeling down, go out for a walk or to the gym. It’s just as good as that chocolate snack, but won’t make you feel bad afterwards.

Hug it out. Love is the strong stress reliever of all. So, grab whatever or whoever you love the most and just love on them for a minute.

If you would like more information about stress eating, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Woman lying in grass, enjoying sunlight.

Do You Have Sleep Issues? This Is Essential | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman laying in the grass with her eyes closed.If you are suffering from sleep conditions, it is important that you seek medical advice. Depending on your diagnosis, it will be treated with anything from an airway pressure device (CPAP) to lifestyle changes. But have you ever tried using essential oils?

A little-known treatment, but many essential oils effectively deal with sleep complaints ranging from nervous insomnia to snoring. Essential oils are safe and easy to use and the following oils are ideal:

Marjoram. Marjoram essential oil is a warm, comforting oil with sedative properties that help induce sleep, ideal for conditions like sleep apnea.

Lavender. A classic scent used to relax, try massaging a few drops of this gentle oil into your feet, neck and chest before bedtime.

Peppermint. If your sleep apnea is caused by nasal congestion, peppermint essential oil can help relieve the inflammation and irritation in the lining of your nasal passage.

Eucalyptus. Steam inhalation of eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory properties will clear up mucus from the nose and throat.

Roman Chamomile. Roman Chamomile aids relaxation, promotes sound sleep and treats problems with the central nervous system.

Thyme. Thyme essential oil is extensively used to treat respiratory conditions and can help free up the blocked airways that may cause apnea.

Geranium. Massaging a few diluted drops of geranium oil into your chest, neck and feet before bed is an excellent remedy for sleep disruptions caused by sleep apnea.

Valerian. Valerian root has been used for centuries to calm the nerves.

Lemon. The mixture of Thyme, Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint oils reduced snoring up to 82%.

If you would like more information about sleep conditions, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Close-up of a smiling woman's mouth.

Oil Pulling 101: What You Need to Know | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman with dark hair and blue eyes smiling.We all love a good tip to improve our health, but trends come and go. However, the good ones will stick around for eons. And one of the latest trends has been oil pulling.

Oil pulling is basically swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. The oil detoxes your mouth and continues to improve various health issues over time. Any type of healthy oil will do, but coconut oil has incredible health benefits.

The problem with bacteria is that it loves dark damp places, so the mouth is a great place for it to move in and set up camp. As toxins are leaving your body, you will begin to feel better and notice that your skin is beginning to glow. But if the mouth is the focus of bacteria, what does oil pulling do for that? We were just about to get there”¦

Fresh breath. One of the reasons one has bad breath is because of bacteria build-up in the mouth. Since the oil rids your mouth of bacteria, it simultaneously rids it of your halitosis.

Pearly whites. Over-the-counter products are full of bleach and chemicals. Oil pulling is one way to naturally whiten your teeth at home.

No more plaque. Oil pulling helps detoxify your mouth by reducing the harmful bacteria that leads to plaque build-up, giving you added protection against cavity-causing bacteria.

No more bleeding gums. Oil pulling helps reduce swelling as it heals your bleeding gums and reverses gingivitis.

If you would like more information about oil pulling, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website at

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Dentist cleaning a patient's teeth.

Laugh Your Way through Your Dental Procedure | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman getting her teeth cleaned by dentist.Dental anxiety is a condition that affects both adults and children alike. While some have ways to cope, there are those that have a hard time entertaining the idea of sitting in the dentist’s chair long enough to finish even a simple checkup. In these cases, the dentist may suggest a form of medicine to help you feel more relaxed, but still widely conscious – nitrous oxide.

What is nitrous oxide? Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used to help patients who are mildly or moderately anxious or nervous, easing their fear of the dentist. Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen, and breathed in through their nose via a mask. Slowly, it will take effect and will eventually make the feel comfortable, even giddy in some cases.

The dentist will often adjust the levels of the gas administered, depending on the type of treatment involved. Also, dentists have received the necessary training and education to know how to prevent their patients from being overdosed.

The main benefit of nitrous oxide is that it is inhaled through a mask, which makes the ideal option for patients who are afraid of needles. Also, since it is in gas form, it tends to take effect quickly. Nitrous oxide can also be used by just about anyone, from kids, to adults, to even people who have pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. If you’re concerned about whether or not nitrous oxide sedation is safe for you, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or a local dentist.

If you would like more information about dental anxiety, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Person brushing teeth with electric toothbrush.

A Toothbrush Isn’t a One-Time Purchase | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman is brushing her teeth with an electric toothbrush.It’s no mystery that we should be brushing our teeth twice a day in order to maintain our oral health, but it’s important to remember that your toothbrush is a tool and you need a great tool to do the job correctly. We use it to remove food debris and bacteria from our teeth, and like many tools, it requires proper care in order be effective.

To minimize bacteria, the toothbrush must be kept clean. It should be washed thoroughly with tap water after each use to remove food particles and leftover toothpaste. When stored, keeping it upright will allow excess water to drain from the bristles, less likely to grow bacteria. If you need to store it in a closed container (for example, when traveling), try to dry it using a clean towel beforehand.

From time to time, sanitize your toothbrush with antibacterial mouthwash. You can even toss it in the dishwasher to kill bacteria. There are also professional sterilizers that utilize ultraviolet light to sanitize toothbrushes available on the market.

The average toothbrush should last 3-4 months, but if it shows signs of wear it needs to be replaced. Bristles that are frayed, loose, or falling out, or any cracking plastic are all replacement signs. Even if the toothbrush is in good condition, you should consider replacing your toothbrush after you’ve been ill. Continuing to use a toothbrush after you’ve been sick will continue introducing bacteria into your system, making you more susceptible to further illness and dental issues.

If you would like more information about toothbrushes, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Smiling woman with bright, white teeth.

January 21st Is National Granola Bar Day | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman with dark hair and blue eyes smiling.There are lots of foods that we love to indulge in aren’t necessarily good for us. In order to compensate for the lack of nutrition, we eat foods that are better for us to counterbalance things. But what if I told you that you may be eating foods that only look good for us? Yes, there are some foods that are unhealthy but choose to remain incognito. One of these foods is a staple at every health food store – the granola bar.

Your basic granola bar is composed of some really healthy ingredients – lots of grains like oats and barley are mixed with superfoods like nuts and dried fruits, in order to keep up energy. This is why hikers and other outdoor sports enthusiasts use them while on the go. So far, so good, right? Here is where things get dicey.

In order to create the “bar” effect that makes up a granola bar, there needs to be an ingredient to hold everything together. Unfortunately, this ends up being some type of sticky sugary agent, like honey, syrup and/or molasses. Not only do these ingredients bind everything together in the molds, but also adds a sweet factor that gives the granola its draw. Therein lies the problem. Sugar is the main culprit we have in getting cavities!

So, next time you are looking for a healthy snack to nosh on, make sure to read the labels on your favorites. You may be surprised just how healthy they really are for not only our bodies, but our smiles as well.

If you would like more information about teeth-friendly foods, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Before and after teeth whitening comparison.

New Year, New Habits | Boca Raton Dentist

A before and after picture of teeth whitening.As we prepare to embark on yet another new year, it’s time for us to sit and think about ways we need to improve over the next year. One of the main habits surrendered during this time of year is smoking. The harmful effects of smoking on respiratory and cardiac health are well known, but if you’re a smoker, we want to make sure that you’re aware that smoking can also affect your oral health. In fact, just like it can lead to respiratory and cardiac issues, smoking can be catastrophic to your teeth, gums and mouth.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly half of American adults have, or have had, some type of gum disease. The same study reported that more than 64 percent of smokers suffered from periodontal disease, which is an inflammation of the gums that can lead to the loss of the tissues that hold your teeth in place!

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research has reported that smoking is one of the most significant factors associated with the development of gum disease. Smoking restricts the amount of blood flowing in your gums and surrounding tissues, which increases their chance of being inflamed. When you smoke, your immune system is weakened, leaving your body more vulnerable to infection. Gum disease occurs when the tissue that supports your teeth becomes infected due to plaque buildup. First you get gingivitis, then plaque that eventually hardens into tartar.

But your gums aren’t the only thing you need to worry about. Smoking doesn’t just stain your teeth, but it also aids in losing them. The appearance of stained teeth is unpleasant enough on its own. All of the nicotine and tar found in tobacco turns the teeth from their natural white to yellow and eventually to brown. But if this is a habit that you continue with, know that that long-term smoking can result in tooth loss. Having teeth is far more attractive than having a cigarette in your mouth!

But there’s more. Smoking will eventually take over lots of areas in your mouth, causing health issues that are far more detrimental than yellowed teeth. Smoking is one of the primary causes of mouth cancer, and it can be fatal. According to the Dental Health Foundation, smoking or chewing tobacco causes between 80 to 90 percent of oral cancers. If that’s not bad enough, even those “I only smoke when I drink” have an underlying issue. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of oral cancer so if one consumes alcohol and tobacco together, the risk is even higher.

We are sympathetic to those who struggle with an addiction to tobacco products, but please don’t sacrifice your beautiful smile to the dangers of smoking. If you quit smoking, brush twice a day, floss once a day, eat a well-balanced diet, and attend your regular dental checkups and cleanings, then you will significantly improve your chances of enjoying great oral health.

If you feel smoking has become an issue, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Dental check-up with tools and patient.

It’s All About Taking Preventative Measures | Boca Raton Dentist

A person with their teeth being examined by an dentist.Not taking proper care of your teeth and neglecting your oral health can easily cost you thousands of dollars in restorative dental care. But, by practicing what’s known as preventative dental care, you can easily save yourself from the hassle of having to deal with and spending money for various dental problems.

Preventative dental care emphasizes the proper education, treatment and practice of maintaining good oral health. It involves brushing daily, flossing, rinsing and even regular dental cleanings, all of which are designed to help prevent gum disease, cavities and a wide range of other dental problems.

In-Office Procedures

Preventative treatment can occur in the dental chair, with the most common form being the dental exam itself. The main purpose of a dental exam is to thoroughly check the teeth for any possible signs of gum disease, dental decay, cavities, so on. Taking X-rays may also be necessary, depending on the occasion. After the examination, the dental practitioner can recommend a thorough cleaning, which is also one of the best ways to keep cavities and gum disease at bay.

Most of the time, one appointment is more than enough. However, if you haven’t been visiting the dentist often for regular maintenance and checkups, more than one appointment may be required. And if infection and other complications are already present, your dental practitioner may have to refer you to another specialist.

Preventative Dentistry in Children

The best way to prevent gum disease and other oral complications is to start early, which is why preventative dentistry in children is very important. As early as 1 to 2 years old, children should be taken to the dentist regularly to ensure a lifetime of dental health. For further preventative measures, sealants that can help prevent decay during the years (between ages of 6 and 12) the permanent molars start to erupt may also be applied. Orthodontics and the wearing of braces is also a popular choice among parents as this helps prevent misalignment as a child’s jaw slowly matures into adulthood. All in all, the key here is for parents to teach children proper dental hygiene habits and more importantly, be role models themselves.

Benefits and Goals of Preventative Dentistry

Preventative dentistry comes in many forms, including fluoride use, following a well-balanced diet, visiting the dentist regularly, regular dental cleanings and screenings, X-rays, use of mouth guards, oral health management and so on.

The main goal here is to prevent all sorts of oral complications from gum disease, sensitivity, cavities, oral cancer, as well as many others and keep them at bay. And, when you consider the costs of treatment versus prevention, preferring the latter is a NO-brainer of a decision. Also, now that oral health has been proven to affect our overall health, there’s really no reason NOT to emphasize the importance of preventative dentistry.

All things considered, preventative dentistry can not only save you both time and money, but it can also help you enjoy and look forward to a lifetime’s worth of a healthy smile!

If you feel you need to begin preventative dental care, contact Dr. Rosenbuch at (561) 394-7888 or visit our website

Dr. Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Rey Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.

Woman brushing her teeth with toothbrush.

Tips for Taking Care of Your Toothbrush | Boca Raton Dentist

A woman is brushing her teeth with a tooth brush.Brushing and flossing are two of the most important aspects of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. While dentists will recommend you brush and floss at least twice a day, it’s important to do it properly in order to receive the expected benefits. One of the keys to brushing properly is to use the right toothbrush, and to care for it properly.

While different people will prefer different styles of toothbrush – manual or electric, soft or firm – it’s generally recommended that you consider soft bristles to avoid damaging your gums. This is especially important if you are a vigorous brusher – a softer bristle will avoid damaging sensitive gum tissue, which is a common cause of receding gums. A toothbrush approved by the ADA will be most likely to hold up well under use and have a safe and effective design.

Once you’ve selected the proper toothbrush, it’s important to care for it properly. You should clean the toothbrush after each use, rinsing it with water to remove excess toothpaste and other debris. Occasionally soaking the brush in antibacterial mouthwash is also a good idea. After each use, be sure to allow the toothbrush to dry. Ideally, you should store it upright so it can drain, and to minimize the risk that airborne particles will settle on the surface.

From time to time, you’ll need to replace your toothbrush. Typically, you should replace your brush if it shows signs of wear, for example if bristles fall out during use. You should also consider changing brushes after a major illness, as it’s likely that you’ve contaminated the toothbrush, and will re-introduce bacteria to your body. While it may not make you sick a second time, it may prolong the illness if you continue using it as you recover. After three to four months of regular use, you should replace your toothbrush – the bristles will be starting to wear, and the relatively inexpensive price of toothbrushes should make replacement simple.

Finally, you should avoid sharing your toothbrush, even with close family members. While many families are comfortable swapping saliva, you should remember that tooth decay is bacterial in nature, and that bacteria will live on a toothbrush. In that sense, you can consider tooth decay a disease that can be transmitted from person to person. It’s in everyone’s best interest not to share toothbrushes.

If you feel that you need dentures or would like more information on toothbrush maintenance, contact Dr. Clive Rosenbusch, DDS at 561-394-7888 to schedule a consultation today or

Dr. Clive Rosenbusch proudly serves Boca Raton, Del Ray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Coral Springs, Boynton, Ft. Lauderdale and all surrounding areas.